Saturday 25 July 2009


2009 06 - pre-departure

What a mission!

I currently have the following visas in my passport:

India - 1 year - multiple entry
Uzbekistan - 15 days - single entry
Kazakhstan - 30 days - double entry
China - 6 months - double entry
Russia - 30 days - double entry

On the road I'll also have to get visas for :
Nepal - can get in Lhasa or on the border
Cambodia - can get in Bangkok
Vietnam - can get in Bangkok
Laos - can get in Bangkok
China - for a second entry further away than 6 months (no 1 year visa allowed for me)

Thanks to the Uzbekistan embassy taking 2 weeks to do nothing - thanks for nothing! - I had to get the speedy & more expensive options on both Russia and China visas... The Uzbeks seem to run a 1 man operation - the most expressionless man I've ever met... though his eyebrows were extremely communicative! When I went to enquire as to what was taking so long (all other nations' visas take 5 days max) he printed it for me on the spot! It clearly pays to be there in person!

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