Friday 23 October 2009

Leaving Harbour

2009 07 05 - Day 9 – Gdynia

Raising high Norwegian flag, now gliding out to sea,
cheering from the highest mast, no prouder crew than we.

Back in reality, we hung around on deck waiting our turn for the tug to pull us out of harbour. Modern harbour requirements and the Tall Ships Races schedule means all the ships leave under engine power and the big ships use a tug to manage the delicate maneuvering.
The tall ships have engines!?!?
I know, I know. I was equally surprised... but only out of ignorance. We're not allowed to use the engines in the races though so it's all ok. It was exciting to be heading out to sea (even if we were using the engine) and the good folk of Gdynia & Gdansk gave us a good send off.

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