All hands on deck! Our race began during my watch, but as the watch system was only just starting, and to give us the best start possible, it was pretty much all hands on deck. Knowing that I would overcome the fear of going aloft if I persisted with it, I volunteered to be one of the people to go up and unfurl the sails. An 'English-speaking' group - 3 of us: English; French; Italian - were assigned the rear mast. Fortunately the French guy, Bruno, had some previous experience and handled the top sail and oversaw Francesco and I. It was a challenge as we'd learned only a couple of hours ago, but I think we did ok for speed considering we were just 3 and by the time we were done I was feeling more confident about the rigging and going out on the yards.
It's truly great to have the engines off, the sails filled and to feel the wind pulling us along.
As we pick up speed and lean a bit with the wind the portholes in the banjer are often under water. It's hypnotising watching the water rushing by...
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