Saturday 31 October 2009

The Sky, the Sea, the evolution of light

2009 07 Baltic Sea

The sky and the sea are constantly changing and regularly provide beautiful vistas often with a restrained palette of blue-greys and grey-blues. I think my 4-to-8 watch was definitely the best watch for being awake at moments of greatest change in light, seeing sunrise and enjoying sunset after finishing in the evening. It wasn't such a good watch to photograph those moments though as there was work to be done! The most beautiful moment at sea for me was while on watch one morning, working high in the rigging, alone, as the wind picked up, the waves slowly rolling bigger, the weather closing in.
The sea was gentle when the watch began, the sky a light overcast grey. I'd volunteered for rigging work having grown to love it. From my lofty perch I'd seen the steely sheet of rain ahead and thrilled at the race to finish my work before its arrival. The wind picks up, the mast sways out with the growing swell. Spitting, the rain arrives. The metal yard and mast are slick. My fingers chill though not yet numb. And all the while the beautiful evolution of light shepherds us carefully from the old sea to the new. I'm done, I'm down, the sails fill out. We're carving now, the race is on!

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