Thursday 3 December 2009


2009 07 17-18 – Day 21-22 – Tallinn

Tallinn is an old town... that now has some new bits! The old town is a pretty and laid back place... probably worthy of a long weekend visit.
Here's the pics:

Russian Orthodox Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. Just after I'd taken this photo, a smart car pulled up and a senior priest stepped out and followed these two green robed guys inside. I followed and was rewarded with some magical choral singing and priestly recital reverberating around the ostentatious interior. With such other-worldly/angelic sounds and environment I could easily imagine how, in times gone by, such an approach to religion could impress the local population into devotion.
No photography allowed inside so you'll have to go yourself :)

The following old and new buildings were opposite each other on the same street.

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