Monday 9 August 2010

Keeping the Peace?

2009 08 10 – Day 45 - Urumqi

Having been so engrossed engaging with, and consuming, the products of the night market, I'd not noticed the surprising lack of military... given the number on the streets in the day and the potential for the night market to be a focal point for any trouble, it was surprising we hadn't seen any.... Why was that?  Before I'd realised  the question, an answer was provided as we were returning to our hotel through the fewer non-food stalls... winding its way towards us through the milling crowds was a snake of eight or so youngish men, dressed in black and carrying what can only be described as wooden clubs!  At the head of the snake paced a man in slightly more official attire, sporting a red armband, but hardly looking any more like the police or military figures that I'd seen so far.  The snake slithered its way down the street, parting the crowds effortlessly, people moving to distance themselves from its near tangible malignant aura.  The members of the snake walked with a relaxed confidence that could only come from the knowledge that the authorities wouldn't touch them.
There was no doubt in my mind that these 'men' would like nothing more than to be given an excuse and/or opportunity to use their privilege and primitive weapons.
I was keen to not give them their excuse and  so kept my camera pocketed and my eyes fixed ahead.
The atmosphere as they passed was perhaps the most sinister and poisonous I've come across.

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