Monday 9 August 2010

Urumqi Security

2009 08 10 – Day 45 – Urumqi

Though I didn't know what exactly to expect, it was not to arrive in Urumqi in the middle of a security situation.  I knew that Xinjiang, and its capital Urumqi, has had a troubled relationship with Beijing in the past due to the local population wanting more self-determination.  I didn't know that there had been riots and some of the worst violence for years just a few weeks before I arrived.

I have never before seen a shop where you can go in and buy a riot-shield and helmet, body armour and emergency sirens!  A sight all the more remarkable given the recent troubles.  Having said that, we didn't actually try to purchase anything, so maybe your average Jo or tourist can't just walk in with a bunch of cash and walk out as a fully kitted up riot-policeman.

The authorities response to the riots, after subduing them, was to massively increase the military presence.  By the time I got there, there was not a whiff of trouble, but there were parasoled platforms every 100m or so on the pavements on both sides of all the major roads, with 2-6 fully armed soldiers stood keeping an eye on things.
I didn't fancy asking them to pose for me, so this was the best discreet shot I could get:
 The park behind this high-rise office block had been converted into an army barracks.  Those tables look in pretty good condition so I imagine they don't play with live rounds!

I hope this image in a printshop window was not intended to encourage homebrew development of the next generation of 'security' forces!
(or protesters for that matter!)

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