Wednesday 25 November 2009

Leaving St Petersburg

2009 07 14 – Day 18 – St Petersburg

As with leaving Gdynia, the Tall Ships' departure was a bit of an event. Crowds lined the banks of the Neva to see us off and each ship in turn made its exit stage west, often heralded by hooting, honking, squeeking and booming of nearby ships' horns. Even the submarines joined in, their horn sounding more like a space age whale cry – quite otherworldly and odd sounding above the waves.

This is a couple of moments after a near impact! Apparently this ships old engine needs to be turned off to change from reverse to forward before being turned on again. The current was strong and they drifted backwards across the river towards us, only managing to engage their engines fully 2 or 3 meters from our port side, hence the deployment of their balasts to cushion the impact many of us thought was inevitable.... just like in the movies!!! :)

Leaving a modern harbour is done under engine as I mentioned elsewhere and apparently leaving under full sail like this is dangerous... nice sails though don't you think?

Being tugged out gave us a better view of those subs.

St Petersburg receives a mixed review from the trainee jury.

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