Tuesday 29 December 2009

Red Square

2009 07 24 – Day 28 – Moscow

It's big, it's red, and it's not quite square... maybe accuracy wasn't such a big concern back when they named the place... it's certainly catchier than 'red rectangle' though they did miss out on a bit of alliteration... but then they speak/write Russian don't they... hmmm, I'll shut up now.
Red Square has a presence. It doesn't feel as big as Palace Square in St Petersburg, possibly because it's more rectangular so the buildings play a bigger part in defining the space and how you engage with it.

To the right are the imposing red walls and towers of The Kremlin, in the middle distance is Lenin's Mausoleum which I didn't feel like visiting and on the left Goom Department Store.
Seems a funny name for such a grand building, but then they speak Russian don't they...

I liked the look of Kazan Cathedral in the northeast corner of Red Square, maybe because it was one place on the square that was on a human scale. It was rebuilt in 1993, the original having been destroyed by Stalin in 1936.

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