Wednesday 9 December 2009


2009 07 20-21 – Days 24-25 – Rovaniemi

Returning to Rovaniemi after 10 years was even more familiar and yet strange than Helsinki. Almost everything is as it was back then, but the crucial difference being that previously I'd been here winter through to spring and this time round it was summer... in summary, there was no snow! Not even a hint of it.

Not a particularly great picture of the complete lack of snow and ice.

One of the things that had changed was the name of the central square: now Lordi's Square after the cultural behemoth that was Lordi, the monster heavy metal band that stomped all over the Eurovision Song Contest 2006. Why Rovaniemi? Because lead vocalist Mr. Lordi (what else would he be called!?) was spawned there of course – but you knew that already didn't you... :P

Above you can see the mini shrine to Lordi in the local shopping centre, housing their armour of darkness that helped power them to victory. Meanwhile, a young accolytes make a pilgrimage to the square to give thanks to the lordi's of darkness...

Meeting up with old friends Pia & Nunnu over a pint was great.

Tivoli – venue of the best student nights when I was here last... most memorable of which was probably the beach party where it was -30 degrees C outside and +30 inside! Outside everyone wore heavy duty winter wear, inside bikinis and shorts. Sand everywhere, ultimate frisbee and even a massage beach hut!

Fond memories of learning to snowboard on this slope... there was a lot of snow on it at that time... honest!

Somehow the whole 'Santa Village' concept is a whole lot more compelling when there's eye-high snow everywhere!

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