Monday 17 May 2010

Traveller's Nightmare

2009 08 02 – Day 37 - Samarkand

I awake in strange surroundings. Cockerels are doing their job somewhere nearby, announcing the imminent arrival of the sun. I'm not Ruslan's house? Beside where I lay on the lovely carpet, someone had kindly left some pavement pizza... nice of them, but I'm not hungry. Something felt different about what I was wearing and it took me a moment or two to work it out.... I didn't have my camera! Before I'd even properly started worrying about that, I realised I didn't have my neck pouch on either! My neck pouch, which had not been off my person since the train in Finland, contained my credit card, debit card, emergency dollars and my visa-filled passport!! Fuuuuck!! Totally awake now and my mind racing, I double check my clothing and immediate vicinity... I still have my wallet with Uzbek Soms and drivers license... that's something I suppose... but no sign of my camera and neck pouch! Surging to my feet I'm rapidly aware that I'm still drunk! I stumble outside into the aftermath of the wedding party. Pre-dawn light casts its clinical gaze over the fallout... seems like it was quite a party! The place is deserted bar a couple of bodies that look like they partied until they dropped and a kid who appears out of nowhere, skips his way around the wreckage and disappears almost as if he were never there. As hard as I try I can't recall enough detail of the night before to even begin to work out what to do next. Fortunately the alcohol still in my body talks some sense by deciding for me – back to bed!
It's 5 am, I'm tired, no one else is awake or speaks English, I've no idea where I am or where my camera, bank cards or visa-filled passport are... thankfully my drunkeness protects me from the full impact of this disaster scenario and I find myself chuckling at the ridiculousness of the situation as I settle back down next my pizza, somehow convinced that it'll all be ok after a nap!

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