Saturday 19 December 2009

Train to Helsinki

2009 07 22 – Day 26 – Kemijärvi

I'm sure I'll never see the attraction of train-spotting around the UK where they all seem the same. Train-spotting around the world, however, I'm starting to see a glimmer of the appeal. This was the beast to haul us 12 hours through the night to Helsinki.

Watching the pretty lakes of Finland roll by from the comfort of the dining car with a glass of wine in hand, Nunnu & I nattered away into the not-so-dark night.

Eventually returning to our cabin, we discovered I hadn't managed to shut the door properly and it was slightly ajar... I was greatly relieved to find passport and other valuables still there! It was the first time on my travels that I'd left my passport off my person, thinking it safe. Perhaps it will be the last time. Thanks to the good nature of Finnish people my first potential disaster was avoided.

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